It's a bit of a cliche that your entry makes the first impression of what's to come in your home. But, sometimes cliches are cliches because they are true. I'm feeling mine needs a bit of attention. In that vein, here are a few of my favorites from over the years.
Traditional Home, 2002
I've got a little of this going on now, you know, if my house were on steroids. This looks so clean and fresh - I love the darker stairs and balustrade.
I love a red room, and while a red dining room is always yummy, isn't it great in the entry? I have a friend who has a very gracious entry hall in which she used this B&F Harrow Damask paper in one of the neutral color ways - so sophisticated. House and Garden, 1998
Ceiling of the same home - this lantern is gorgeous. Check out Charles Edwards if you really want a little lantern-envy.
Architectural Digest
The entry as library would be particularly cozy if you had the space. Don't miss the needlepoint benches under the table. Greek key on the sides, floral on the top, nailhead trim. Devine.
I believe this room is Suzanne Reinstein.
Since yellow seems to make my heart sing, I fell in love with this room at first sight. The black and white floor is so graphic and classic. I don't think the appeal is just the little boy, although I've had a few of those around as well.
Elizabeth Locke's home, House and Garden, October 1997
Ok, here we go. This is in my top two. The floorboards, the gracious curve of the arched doorway and the duck egg color of the wall present the home and it's owner as a package you would like to know a little - or a lot- more about.
Gracie Wallpaper is special where ever you choose to hang it. It seems to me that we see it most often in dining rooms and bedrooms. And then there is this. I might never want to leave it, "Oh, I'd love some tea. No, no sugar. No, here's fine." Notice that there is no wainscoting; could you ever let your children go over there to play? This might be perfection. Yellow, I know. I can't stop looking at it.
Ok, and for the beach house...I never mentioned a beach house? Oh, well I don't have one, but I might. I mean, you have to be prepared for these things.
Elena and Doug Atkins home, Sag Harbor, NY, Elle Decor
Clean, fresh, L.L. Bean tote at the ready. I like these sea creature prints, in fact, I gave a friend one with eels for his Sag Harbor home after seeing an eel in the water by his house.
Southhampton, NY home, architecture John Mayfield, design Mariette Himes Gomez, Architectural Digest
I was captivated that this homeowner had a full Numbers series by Jasper Johns in his beach house. There's a good reason to get out of the city.