Are you rolling your eyes? You've seen this a million times? Poured over it in bed, watched it bounce around the blogs, and I'm just now getting to it. I love domino, but I have issues. Or, actually, I don't. I subscribed, and everything looks fine, but then it doesn't show. Then they e:mail me to see how I like the subscription.
I thought I had it straightened out, but the lid to the box remains tightly closed, mocking me and my craning neck as I pull into the drive. I broke down today and bought the new, now old, issue. Mary McDonald's Beverly Hills home is a symphony of spots. Daring! Delightful! She was inspired by Madeleine Castaing, but a few others have taken this cat out for a stroll.
Geoffrey Beene, at the beach, House and Garden, December, 1989.
I've posted this
before, but Beene used a Brunschwig & Fils fabric for the windows then painted the wall to match. Leopard and zebra in the rug. You don't want to leave anybody out.
Finally, something new. Old. Anyway, Henri Samuel's Paris bedroom, Architectural Digest, March, 1984. He designed the leopard print fabric used for the curtains and walls. Don't miss the yellow curtains behind the leopard.
McDonald breaks up her room with doses of black and another strong print, and Samuels had done that as well. The floral chairs, above, seem spot-on just now (and McDonald broke out the fringe for her sofa, too.) Let's hope it's not another trend that is oh-so-over by next year. It's funny how we seem to be ticking off these classics at a mighty quick clip.
The upstairs office of C.Z. Guest, House and Garden, October, 1988. The leopard carpet was chosen for its appeal, and its ability to camouflage the paw prints. The sweetness of the floral and the clubbiness of the hunting prints seem to cut the drama of the spots.
Speaking of cutting the drama. Please forgive my dish of domino. She's barely a toddler. And I'm the one having the tantrum.Labels: Product