Long Lost Buddy

Estate Chair

It's funny, writing the blog, to stumble across someone with whom you share something. Every now and then, I find out someone went to KU, or grew up in Kansas City, or is my best-friend-from-growing-up's little sister.

Biedermeier Chair

I recently started a new project, and was waiting at one of the showrooms for memos. (Oh, how I love looking for fabric. I have to shake my head in disbelief at anyone who claims it "overwhelming." It is pure heaven for me.) While I was milling about, waiting to get my mitts on those samples, this little promotional piece caught my eye. So, I stuffed it in the bag and I was off.

Temporarily forgotten, yesterday, as I was unloading my treasures, it drifted to the floor and I thought, "There's something so familiar..."

Drinks Table

I know absolutely nothing about Bolier & Company, other than their things are lovely. The collection highlighted on the flier, however, is by Michael Vanderbyl.

Vanderbyl has had a long and successful career. I had run across his designs several years ago when I was working on my first project. He had designed the Archetype Collection for Baker, and one sofa in particular was just the thing.

A few of his pieces for Bolier are reminiscent of the previous collection. The tag line is, "A modernist's interpretation of classic Biedermeier forms." Apparently, it's a combination that appeals to me, as I am struck by the elegance of these pieces.

And, just in case you thought I was the first Kansas Citian to sit up and take notice, nope. Vanderbyl was awarded the Joyce C. Hall Distiguished Chair at the Kansas City Art Institute in 1989. We might have run into each other. If he was hanging out at the Peanut.
