Stairway to Heaven

The auction is beginning to take its toll.  As I am down to the last week and a half, the devil is clearly in the details and it is taking all of my time.  It makes me oddly edgy when I don't post.  People around here often ask me, "How do you come with stuff to write about?"  Or, "It's so much pressure.  Do you ever want to skip a day?"

No.  Sometimes I have to, as the demands of other things press in, but, no, I don't ever not want to.  And, oddly, even when I'm feeling a bit uninspired, something always seems to come my way that seems of note.  At least for this, my own little corner of blogland.

Today was a jumble of art projects, carbonless paper, proofreading and at least thirty punchy phone calls with my co-chair.  In the back of my mind I was thinking, "I surely cannot post today."  I was bone dry.

And then, out of the blue, one of my readers with whom I have become email buddies sent me these.  Pamela Colangelo is a wonderful designer in New York.  And these are what she would collect if she had the budget and the space.

These staircase models were created by the compagnonnage, a French guild in the Middle Ages.  They began their eduction with geometrical drawing; when they completed their internships, they created these masterworks.

Clare and Eugene Thaw collected twenty models over thirty years.  When they donated the entire collection to the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Mr. Thaw said they chose the spot because, "they will feel at home here."

Too bad we didn't have a chance to hit him up for the auction.