Hello, Granny

I am a 70-year-old woman in a 43-year-old body.  And I have been since I was 19.  I bought these lamps the other day as combination reward, retail therapy and economic stimulus.  I adore them and have been stalking them for a while.  As I have had a streak of things on my wish/wait list being purchased when I return cash-in-hand, I decided to actually buy these instead of mourn them.  They are not white, but a really lovely celadon to pale blue.  The front hall was dullsville and these seemed the perfect pick-me-up.  Perplexed at the prospect of shades, I stood in the lamp shop yesterday befuddled.  As one option was placed upon the harp I cocked my head and said, "Kinda old lady."  The lovely woman helping me bit her tongue, but pointedly raised one brow.  
