You might have seen this elsewhere, but a fellow blogger,
Marija Stephens of Holding Court was killed in a car accident last week. I found Marija's blog originally through a comment she made here. I can't remember what it was, but it was smart, and likely funny, and it made me click through to see what she was doing on her own site; I never missed a post after that.
I had planned a trip to Chicago, where Marija lived, to see Thomas O'Brien speak and meet long-time blog friend Magnaverde, and felt incredibly fortunate that Marija could join us for the day. We had exchanged several emails and had hit it off. We both have children of similar ages and a passion for design and had discovered an affinity for talking about it on-line. She wasn't striving for anything, she didn't need to be a part of any perceived group, she was just creating really interesting content. She had a great point of view. Even though she was a designer I never felt like she was "building her business" through blogging. She just liked it.
You never know how things are going to go when you meet someone you've known only on-line. It would be easy for someone to pretend to be something she's not. Of course she hadn't. And even Magna, who was unfamiliar with her blog when they met, found her smart and funny and engaging. Instant connection.
Blogging is funny sport. You can use it for profit and you can use it for ill, but I started and have stayed with it for community. Marija wasn't the only friend who I have met via this screen, but I will remember her as one of the bright spots.
Marija's camera wasn't working or she forgot it or the battery died or something so I snapped this picture for her. Typical. Unfocused. I am so glad I have it.
Labels: Marija Stephens