Book Week - Nicky Haslam's Folly de Grandeur

I have a friend who says that you find your clothing style in college and never really change it.  I'm glad to say that while I was once a fan of jean jackets and stirrup pants they have not reappeared in my wardrobe since graduation.  Oh, also no denim mini-skirts, though I did have a doozy back in the day.

But I did love chintz, need chintz, surround myself with chintz and that has never changed.  In or out, thumbs up or down, I always seem to have a little (or a lot) hanging around.

You won't be surprised to know that I adore Nicky Haslam's new book Folly de Grandeur.  It lived in my car for weeks at the ready for any brief or extended idle.

Painted walls, chipped furniture, hand-dotted brackets and needlepoint, needlepoint, needlepoint.  I love every page.  Haslam's own words make it a treasure.

You can find Folly de Grandeur here.

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