Wednesday, November 28, 2007


You might remember from a previous post, that I was stitching up some fun for the Blandings boys for Christmas. Each year they pick ornaments, usually something to do with their current obsession, and I work away to have them finished before we put up the tree.

The eldest's red Jaguar.

This year, with a bit of encouragement, they all chose cars from Joanie Sherman's new line.

The mal-adjusted middle child's yellow Mini. I'm kidding. He's not mal-adjusted. Yet.

Joanie has painted and designed so many of my projects; she's a local treasure.

And the youngest's (I am not a baby) orange bug.

There are other models in the line including SUV's for those of us who want to be environmentally conscience, but just had too many kids who have too much stuff.

The great thing about these projects is they are small, easy to hold and don't take that much time. Unlike the Chinese chrysanthemum that is currently languishing in a bag.

You can contact the Studio on line to order ornaments for next year. See, you're not behind, you're ahead!


  1. So cute! I love the colors. Great job.

  2. I haven't even started the Icelandic sweater I am making for my niece for Christmas (2007). Luckily, she's small and the needles and yarn are big!

    These are adorable.

    M - the mal-adjusted middle child!

  3. Courtney - thanks! It's a pretty colorful tree.

  4. Meg - the only reason they are finished is because their is a deadline at the Studio to have them back by Christmas. I'm good with deadlines. I hope you give us a peak at the sweater - it sounds darling. Also, so glad to hear when charming and delighful people are middle children!

  5. You did an amazing job with these! What a great keepsake for them to have one day!

  6. Anne - thank you. It's funny, I keep wondering if some daughter-in-law one day will say, "Sorry, I want an all gold tree." or some such thing. One of my friends contends that I will never really be able to part with them anyway. The ornaments, not the boys! We'll see.

  7. adorable- your boys are very lucky, even the maladjusted middle child. (i love the "not-yet anyway" aside- i frequently tease my sister not to worry so much about saving for her 3 children's college educations, but that setting aside funds for their future therapy needs might not be such a bad idea :)

    and perhaps your future daughter-in-laws will take after my mother if they want an all gold tree- when i was little, my sister loved home-spun, crafty ornaments, and i, being a budding bossy decorator in the making insisted on a "shiny" tree with lots of tinsel and glass ornaments. mom's solution was to buy two every year, one for the family room and one for the living room and we'd alternate who's tree was placed in which room. indulgent? yes, but no fights, and we each got to help the other decorate their very own tree, so it was twice as fun.

  8. Maison - I am enjoying your blog so much - and your Christmas tree is fab. Thanks for the compliments - and the advice. Two trees, two savings accounts. Check! I'm secretly hoping for at least one really good daughter in law. Just one.

  9. Growing up, I "Pined" for that coordinated tree, all bows and birds,but now the best trees are the ones with best loved collected, created and treasured ornaments. Looks like you already know that! vroom, vroom!

  10. Adorable!

    (That's pretty much all there is to say about that.)


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