Monday, January 28, 2008

Everyone Loves a Mystery

One of my readers e:mailed a couple of weeks ago to see if I recognized the Brunschwig & Fils wallpaper, above. I didn't, but I was so charmed by her e:mail, that I set off on a bit of a quest. I didn't really think it would be that tricky. She already knew that the paper had been used in this project and Britt's beach house. This layout was in Architectural Digest in February of 2007. She had contacted AD (why, oh why do they refuse to do any resourcing?) but, as of today, they have not responded.

The article, and the information on the website, do identify the paper as B&F, so I e:mailed the image to our showroom here. Designers Only is owned by a well-respected designer in town and her staff is always gracious and lovely. Sure, happy to help, get right back to you. (I'm including other images from the story so you don't get bored reading my text.)

Nothing. No one recognized it. But, as kind people often do, they took it to the next step and e:mailed the image to the B&F showroom in Chicago. Nada.

Curiouser and curiouser. So, I picked up the phone and called Tom Britt. Well, why not? We're not exactly tight, but, you know, he's from Kansas City, I live in Kansas City...

I talked to a woman in his office. Nice. Professional. Could I e:mail the image? Fax? Well, yes, I could fax it. As of today I have not heard back. I get it. They're busy. Getting published in AD and things like that while my calendar today reads, "Stop Rosie's meds." You know, because of the allergy test next week. (If you are new to the site, she is my itchy boxer pup. Mr. Blandings has taken to calling her a lemon, but she's beloved.)

So, now I turn to you, gentle readers. Can we help Barbara? She's been so patient. And optimistic. (She contacted AD!) I'm constantly in awe of the knowledge bouncing around out there. Look again. Silver and white, somewhat Moorish, clearly not boorish. We can all get a little fixated and we need to help Barbara, and her master bedroom, move on. Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


  1. Sure there is a silver lining to this!
    Love this paper and your post.
    Itching to know?

  2. I'm sorry, but I am rendered speechless by that blue kitchen (not that I would be of any help anyway!). Beautiful!

  3. Hello Mrs. B.......Your inner Nancy Drew is rearing her head, eh?

    Osborne & Little's Vintage collection (from 1968) "Trifid" pattern looks similar - glimmers of the same....

    This may help:
    Easy to lose track of time (days) perusing paper, fab, handprinted, antique, vintage......sigh!

    Check it out and weep....(!) Alison

  4. Mrs B - according to Brunschwig, that is not one of their papers. They have since however released a very similar one called Papyrus - white on mylar - a little more naive in the outline, but honestly very difficult to tell apart.

    As for pup - have you tried a natural food? We had the same problem and changed diet first before going down the allergy route.

  5. LOVE love LOVE that turquoise blue kitchen with the big windows!! heaven :-)
    No clue on the wallpaper though!

  6. pve - clever girl, you do make me laugh.

  7. Alison - of course you know I was a huge Nancy Drew fan. I'm the type of ocd person who reads a whole series in order. Thanks for the link to the site - I can't wait to check it out.

  8. HoBC - I assumed it was not B&F as both our showroom and Chicago were unfamiliar with it. Seems odd AD would mention that it is. Thanks for the heads up on the Papyrus.

    As for darling Rosie, we have been on all-natural, non-allergenic (sp?) food for 3 months. Have run through a few cycles of steroids waiting for the first freeze, and, poor thing, she is still an itchy mess. I know a canine allergist had probably set up shop outside the Roman baths - Mr. B certainly thinks this is the end of rational thinking - and this is a sign that civilization is once again getting ready for a crash. But. I just can't stand to see her so uncomfortable. Next Monday we will likely find that she allergic to dirt and dust mites (not a good thing in my house.)

  9. Patricia ~ Thanks so much for this very major assist.Yay,YOU!

    Hope darling Rosie gets all better soon.She is even more covetable than that darn paper :-)

  10. Barbara - I wished we had come up with "the" answer. Good luck!

  11. Beautiful bedroom and paper. I can see why your "hunting" it.

  12. At first I thought it was B & F but I think it may be Woodson. Anyway it is beautiful. The room resonated with me since I have been thinking of a red and white scheme with a princess canopy. Please let us all know when and if you get a definitive answer.
    Marion in Kentucky

  13. Marion - IF! If I get a definitive answer. Of course, i will post if the mystery is solved. I'm not familiar with Woodson - I'll have to check it out.

  14. ok, forget the wallpaper, on to the dog - get Rosie a steriod shot, period. why hasn't your vet done that = allergy testing? What a joke!!!! is she a light colored dog? they are more itchy than dark colored ones. a steriod shot will stop the scratching immeidately. then steriod pills. once she starts itching again, another shot. if your vet says no, get another vet. I've had more dogs and cats than I care to count and i know what I'm talking about!!!! If they say - it will shorten the dogs' life --- I once had a white cat that got steriod shots once a month for her life, all 16 years of it. GET THE SHOT TOMORROW _ put her and you out of misery. PLEASE< no excuses. nothing else with help at all. nothing.

  15. I didn't get a chance to see the a good picture of the living room until the post. WOW, I'm blown away.


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