Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Everything Old is New Again

Are you rolling your eyes? You've seen this a million times? Poured over it in bed, watched it bounce around the blogs, and I'm just now getting to it. I love domino, but I have issues. Or, actually, I don't. I subscribed, and everything looks fine, but then it doesn't show. Then they e:mail me to see how I like the subscription.

I thought I had it straightened out, but the lid to the box remains tightly closed, mocking me and my craning neck as I pull into the drive. I broke down today and bought the new, now old, issue. Mary McDonald's Beverly Hills home is a symphony of spots. Daring! Delightful! She was inspired by Madeleine Castaing, but a few others have taken this cat out for a stroll.

Geoffrey Beene, at the beach, House and Garden, December, 1989.
I've posted this before, but Beene used a Brunschwig & Fils fabric for the windows then painted the wall to match. Leopard and zebra in the rug. You don't want to leave anybody out.

Finally, something new. Old. Anyway, Henri Samuel's Paris bedroom, Architectural Digest, March, 1984. He designed the leopard print fabric used for the curtains and walls. Don't miss the yellow curtains behind the leopard.

McDonald breaks up her room with doses of black and another strong print, and Samuels had done that as well. The floral chairs, above, seem spot-on just now (and McDonald broke out the fringe for her sofa, too.) Let's hope it's not another trend that is oh-so-over by next year. It's funny how we seem to be ticking off these classics at a mighty quick clip.

The upstairs office of C.Z. Guest, House and Garden, October, 1988. The leopard carpet was chosen for its appeal, and its ability to camouflage the paw prints. The sweetness of the floral and the clubbiness of the hunting prints seem to cut the drama of the spots.
Speaking of cutting the drama. Please forgive my dish of domino. She's barely a toddler. And I'm the one having the tantrum.


  1. I had the same problem. It took 2+ months to get the first issue of my subscription. So I missed the holiday issue waiting for it to show in the mailbox. Ended up buying it off ebay as it was no longer in the stores.

  2. I loved it in the past and I love it now! Animal prints are oh so wonderful! Also love this newly found blog!!!!

  3. You have yellow drapes on the mind -i can't wait to see pictures once your drapes are installed in your dining room and your mind can be put at ease. I know it was the 80s, and anything about CZ Guest should be above criticizm -but WHAT is going on in that office with the clashing hideous floral, the divine leopard sofa and carpet ( despite the dated tufting ) and those tacky hunting scenes -i want to scratch my eyes out!

  4. First, I empathize with the tardy issues. I went through a real rough patch with my domino subscription, but it did finally improve.

    Second, love these references! Such a sharp eye you have. Those floral chairs in the leopard covered Samuels room are wonderful.

  5. London - obviously, I'm hanging in there - I know these things can take a little time. I just hate being the LAST kid on my block to get it.

  6. Artist in NC - Welcome - so glad you are here as well. Stop in anytime.

  7. Change - I was trying so hard to hide my curtain OCD. The Guest pattern reminds of the very similar rug that was on the 80's hit parade. Love animal prints, love florals, just never really "got" it in that particular combo. But, all that being said, I like a girl who makes a brave choice.

  8. Courtney - I'm glad to hear it's not just me - and that it will likely work out. I adore the chairs. It's the same apartment with those jungle green sofas - have you seen it?

  9. Well, I received a postcard saying that I would receive Domino in place of my dearly loved HG . I haven't.

  10. Definitely sharing this "everything old is new" moment.I confess I will always love Stark's Leopard & Roses carpet.Especially love it going up the stairway....kinda elegant,kinda 'kitten with a whip' cheesy,kinda Norma Desmond...purrrrfect ;-)

    & did you know the Halston label has been revived?

  11. Beene is the best. Love your blog, it is like having a chat with a like minded friend each morning

  12. I have the same problem with domino subscription. I think it's time we rebelled and did something about this. Massive blogger rebellion. Perhaps everyone oculd agree to post about it on the same day? Like let's say March 1. I get my sub usually a few days AFTER the issue date. conde nast also stopped all my subs except gourmet for a period of like 3-4 months! took me forever to get it straightened out.

    Also, sorry but this issue of domino sucks, including the Mary McDonald spread. Honestly, I couldn't believe it was her, based on her other work. i love me some leopard Mrs. B., but this is too much.

  13. I too haven't received my Domino as H&G promised. I went on line to try and email about it but there is no way do to that. You can apply for a new subscription but not check on one unless you have a number from a label. Of course I don't since H&G is doing this. I've decided these blogs are almost better anyway. Watch out publishing companies!!!!!

  14. Re animals prints and florals together ... it's a very 18th-century French combination. Have you seen some of the woven textiles from that era? Or reproductions of the same? Very often roses threaded with leopard-print ribbons, etc. So chic.

  15. Bravo! Your post is a great read! Oh, and congratulations on the mention in the Lana


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