Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hearts and Flowers

Eighteen years ago this week, I called Mr. Blandings from my miserable, temporary, call-center job, to see if he had our big city friend's current phone number. This was before he was so big city and when Mr. Blandings and I were friends.

We'd been friends since college. Not talk-on-the-phone friends, but hang out when you're out friends. Anyway, he gave me the number and asked if I wanted to get a beer on Wednesday. Hmm-umm. Couldn't. You see Wednesday was Valentine's Day and I had a very pretty little pity party planned for myself, including old movies and ice cream.

Mr. Blandings suggested we ignore the fact that it was Valentine's Day (in fact, his initial response was, "Is it on the 14th this year?") and go out anyway. Leave the pity at home. Agreed. Good plan.

When I got home from work that day it was dumping snow. I was nervously getting ready. Would he really want to go out in this? Then the phone rang. Darn. Mr. Blandings, he would be late, he had to take his grandmother candy on his way to pick me up. Can you hear the violins swelling in the background?

I don't know what changed. We had known each other - pretty well - for five years. Maybe I grew up. I had certainly had my fill of scoundrals. But I was sunk. We've spoken to each other every day since.

Yesterday, a reader on another blog was asking about a rug, and I thought it was a Rug Company rug, but it doesn't seem to be. But while I was flipping through their gorgeous catalogue, I was stuck by how pretty and romantic it is. By how many images contain hearts or flowers or "love" itself.

The company is owned by Suzanne and Christopher Sharp, who are married. I'd love to think their catalogue is a reflection of how they see themselves. And how they see marriage.

Marriage is the most romantic love there is.

All images, The Rug Company catalogue.


  1. How seet! And happy anniversary of sorts!

  2. all you really need is love and a love rug!
    especially on valentine's day!

  3. Great post. I can relate. My guy and I have been the best of friends since we were 20. I could growl about wasted time but thats not my style. As I told him, I'm just glad we finally figured it out.

  4. taking candy to his grandmother... a true indicator of his heart and character. What a sweet post.

  5. How sweet, candy for the grandmother! I was ready to go out with him after reading that!

  6. Very sweet Patricia! You and Mr. B have a very Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  7. Another brilliant, expertly woven post Patricia. Happy anniversary.

    (I also browsed the Rug Company site with no luck. Maybe it's Chinese or Tibetan?)

  8. I am a little confused. Who is the big city friend?
    But I am glad you found your Mr. Blandings. He certainly sounds like a keeper! :)
    And isn't Rug Company grand?

  9. Awwwww... that's so nice.

    I will have to get this catalogue. I adore their Union Jack pieces. Reminds me of my dad. :-(

  10. Snug as a bug in a ...sorry, I couldn't resist,love the story and the pictures,oh so sweet.Truly.

  11. So sorry to be away all morning - one Valentine's party down, two to go.

    Thanks to all about your sentiment about Mr. B. He's a keeper for sure. The candy for Lulu was only the beginning.

    Courtney - thank you, I had entered the wrong address.

    Katie - he' not famous, only famously wonderful. An old college friend who is in NY now.

    And Meg, I know the feeling, but I bet he'd be glad the Union Jack brings him to your mind.

  12. Brava Mrs. B.! Happiest of Valentine's Days! An inspiring post and a tale nicely told and brought full circle via the pictures.

  13. Great Post Mrs. B.! I love that Lulu Guiness rug! I recently did a post on her products. I've also got an addiction for mirrored furniture. Great selections!

    Happy Valentine's Day!!

  14. I love your story, thanks for sharing it with us! Suzanne and Christopher are such a wonderfully creative couple! Hope you had a great V Day!!

  15. Awww! That's wonderful. I hope you had a great day!

  16. Agreed! I hope you had a romantic one.

  17. Your story is tooooo lovely !!!!

  18. Great story! Thanks for sharing it with us!


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