I Say "City," You Say...

Here are the results of yesterday's Eat Pray Love word association:

Aspen - Crisp
Atlanta - Reinvention
Austin - Hippie
Boston - History
Charlotte - Hot
Chicago - Neighborhood, Corrupt
Cleveland - Proud
Dallas - Manicured*
Ft. Scott - History
Geneva - Anomaly
Houston - Diversity
Indianapolis - Bland
Jacksonville - Comfort
Kansas City - Melange, Moribund, Home, Authenticity, Solid
Kentucky - Fried Chicken
Lawrence - Basketball, Hotmess
Little Rock - Natural
London - Eccentric
Maine - Lobster
New Orleans - Pleasure
New York - Go, Assertive
North Carolina
Marceline - Home
Minneapolis - Do
Minnesota - 6 mo. Vibrant/6 mo. Glacial
Paris - Grumpy
Philadelphia - Strive, Home
Pittsburgh - Ritual
Portland - Progressive
Queens - Hope
Rome - Passionate
Sacramento - Endearing
Salt Lake City - Industrious
San Francisco - Cool, Progressive, Weird, Self Righteous
Savanna - Yummy
Toronto - Self Conscious
Venice - Shimmer
Washington D.C. - Childish, Unimaginative, Ambition

* I've spent a good little bit of time in Dallas and this was a favorite.

Image from the movie Eat Pray Love; Production Design by Bill Groom with Set Decoration by Andrew Baseman, Raffaella Giovannetti and Letizia Santucci.
