Wednesday, October 20, 2010

When Worlds Collide - Save the Date

A couple of times I have been lucky enough to have my blogging friends come to Kansas City to shop and eat and meet. There is nothing I like better than being able to show off this terrific city. Do save the date, November 5th, to meet the lovely, gracious and talented Emily Evans Eerdmans (I know these things are true because I have met her on her home turf) when she is here signing her newest book, The World of Madeleine Castaing. Better still, she will be doing so at Parrin & Co. at 45th & State Line. All the dealers will be open with spirits and snacks and Rainy Day Books will have copies on hand for Emily to sign.

It is the first really fun thing on my calendar after the move and I cannot wait. Hope to see you there.


  1. that is so exciting! to have her come to you- I know there will be crowds there.

  2. Sigh -- we'll be busy in our little town on the prairie with the annual Rotary Oktoberfest (I know it's November - but the German's celebrate in September so the Kansans can celebrate in November!) But I will be at Ina's book signing the following Tuesday!

  3. Drats! I saw this advertised in Spaces and could not believe that my world has collided with my husband's andI have to go to a "command performance" for his work. I'll be with you in spirit and preordered this book the minute it was available. So looking forward to reading the divine Ms. EEE's latest.

  4. Sounds like such a fun day! One of these days, I'll be letting you know I'm coming to K.C. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy your posts!!

  5. I look forward to the day that I come to KC & visit your amazing city.

  6. Thanks for the invitation. I'm glad to see that your life is filling up with good stuff post move.

  7. Wish I could be there, but loved the post (can't wait for the book) AND your blog so much that I did mention it today (and linked back to you). Hope you will stop by, and of course comment. Thanks for such fresh and interesting content in my in box!

  8. I love the way the invitation looks.


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